First United Methodist Church
Sharing the Hope of Christ from the Heart of High Point as we Worship, Connect, and Serve.
First Church exists to be an outwardly focused community where all are boldly welcomed and included; where spiritual, emotional, and physical needs are met; and lives are transformed through a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Join us for Sunday worship.
Early risers enjoy a time of informal worship that follows the pattern of a traditional worship service. This service is held in the intimate setting of our Holy Family Chapel, located on the first floor of our Education Building on Main Street.
Faith Seekers of all ages gather for worship that combines rich multimedia with upbeat contemporary music provided by our Praise Team. This service is held in our newly renovated worship center located at 323 N Wrenn Street, directly behind our Education Building. Coffee is brewed every morning along with light refreshments and generous hospitality.
Singles, couples, and families come together in worship which features the traditional music and liturgy of our faith. Worship is enriched by the excellent choral offerings of our Chancel Choir and hymns are accompanied by the beautiful tones of a pipe organ. This service also features a teaching moment specifically for children and is located in our Sanctuary on Main Street.
Children are always welcome in worship! However, if you prefer, FUMC does offer Sunday Child Care. Learn more here.
Both the 9:00 and 11:00 worship services are live-streamed. Click here or watch below.
Summit to Shore: Summer Sermon Series
9:00 Contemporary Worship Service Livestream
11:00 Traditional Worship Service Livestream
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