12/1 Lighting of the Candle of Hope

11:00 M&M’s Children’s Choir Performance during the prelude

8:30 Christmas Cantata: City of Hope featuring the Chapel Choir, special soloists, duets, Christmas carols, and narration by Chris Franks; coffee and Moravian Sugar Cake will be served before and after service

12/8 Lighting of the Candle of Peace

11:00 Joy Ringers Handbell Performance the prelude

12/15 Lighting of the Candle of Joy

11:00 Christmas Cantata: Ceremony of Candles a full orchestra will accompany the Chancel Choir

12/18 Night of Joy: A Service of Music and Lights

6:00 This special evening features music from the FUMC Children’s Ministry & Child Enrichment Preschool; held in the Sanctuary

4:00 A service focused on the promise of hope found in Christ for those experiencing grief with reflective music, scripture, and prayer; held in Praise & Worship on Wrenn St.

12/21 Blue Christmas

12/22 Lighting of the Candle of Love

9:00 Service of Lessons & Carols experience the Christmas story through Bible readings and special music

12/24 Christmas Eve: Lighting of the Christ Candle

in the Sanctuary

5:00 Service of Communion & Candlelight

4:40 Pre-service Music Begins


12/5 Community Meal Christmas Party

6:00 in the Fellowship Hall

12/7 Christmas in Candyland

11:00 Fun for all ages in the parking lot! Learn more. Don’t forget to sign up for the Homemade Soup Competition and decorate a wreath to support your favorite mission!

12/8 HP Community Chorale & Handbells Holiday Concert

7:00 in the Sanctuary

12/11 Great-Full Table Fellowship Meal

5:00 in the Fellowship Hall

Angel Friends of First Northwood Toy Drive Wrapping Party


in the Allred Center

12/15 Northwood Toy Delivery

12:00 pull up to Allred on Wrenn to grab a carload of gifts to deliver to Northwood School on your way home