April 3, 2024

Dear Family and Friends of First United Methodist Church,

Easter Greetings in the name of our Resurrected Lord! What splendid celebrations we experienced in Easter worship with the glorious sounds of the Chapel Choir, Praise Team, Chancel Choir, and Joy Ringers, the beauty of the lilies and flower cross, and the “mini” earthquakes that shook with God’s love.  

The Spirit present at the first Easter earthquake was present in our worship. It is this Spirit that makes all things new. This is what Easter tells us: that God is a God who is always making things new – bringing about transformation and it is in this spirit that I invite you to be a part of what God is making new at First United Methodist Church.

Please mark your calendars for Saturday, April 20, from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon for our Transformation Journey Discovery Experience.  

Transformation Journey (TJ) is a process offered by the Western North Carolina Conference to help churches identify recommendations that God is calling the church to achieve. These recommendations can range from creating a discipleship pathway to designing long-term plans for the physical property. The recommendations create a strategic plan and cast a vision. The Conference supplies a Navigator and Guides who serve as resources. At the Saturday Discovery Experience on April 20, you can speak into the process and help name the recommendations. It is an opportunity to share your ideas on where you sense God is calling us.   

Following this event, the TJ Team presents a report outlining the recommendations which are then voted on at a Charge Conference. If approved, a Ministry Action Plan is created outlining how and when we will implement these initiatives. The TJ Team will provide resources and experts in the field to pilot us along the way. This is our apportionment dollars at work and the United Methodist connection at its best! I encourage you to plan to be a part of our Discovery Experience on Saturday, April 20, from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon. Your wisdom and experience will be invaluable.  

Friends, I believe this is a pivotal point in the life of First Church. Over the past three years, we have experienced a merger and the church has welcomeed numerous committed and talented new members. God is distinctly calling us to Share the Hope of Christ from the Heart of High Point, and Transformation Journey can be the instrument through which God will speak to us our next faithful steps. I pray you will be a part of it. The Discovery Experience on April 20 is open to all. If you have been worshipping with us but haven’t officially joined yet, I highly encourage you to come. Your insight and talents are welcome! Please register by calling the church office (336-889-4429) or via the button below; childcare is available. You can learn more about Transformation Journey on the Conference website.  

The earth is shaking at 512 North Main Street with the resurrection power of Jesus Christ! Come and be a part of it! 

With joy and gratitude,

Rev. Lara “Willis” Greene