Centering Prayer Workshop

Sunday, September 8 • 2:00 - 6:00 p.m. • Allred Center

“Centering Prayer is a discipline to foster interior transformation, initiated by God and leading, if we consent, to divine union. One’s way of seeing reality changes, which empowers one to perceive and respond to everyday life with sensitivity to the divine presence in, through, and beyond everything.”

Thomas Keating, Open Heart, Open Mind

Centering Prayer is a method of praying that goes beyond our thoughts and words to simply resting in God’s presence. It is based on the wisdom saying of Jesus, “When you pray, go to your inner room, close the door and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you” (MT 6:6). Jesus is telling us to go into the private room of our hearts, shut the door to the busy world around us, and to pray to God from the depths of our hearts. Centering Prayer does not take the place of other forms of prayer, but will most certainly deepen and enrich your relationship with God in profound ways.

On Sunday, September 8, Diane Popolis of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in High Point will introduce participants to the practice of Centering Prayer, teaching both the method and ways to deal with our thoughts during the prayer period.

Diane states: “I began the contemplative practice of Centering Prayer 10 years ago. Today, when I reflect on who I was before my daily practice of Centering Prayer, I give thanks to God for the inner transformation I have experienced and continue to experience every second of my life. Over the past decade, I have become a commissioned presenter for Centering Prayer, have presented this prayer practice numerous times to groups, and have attended many extended Centering Prayer retreats. It is a joy to share this transformative, ancient Christian practice with everyone I can.”

All are welcome! Registration is not required, but please let us know if you plan to attend to be sure we have enough seats for all attendees!


September Fellowship Meal


Book of Job Bible Study