The Fusion

THE FUSION: An Immersive, Interactive, & Intergenerational Lenten Bible Study

The Children and Youth ministries of First are excited to introduce The Fusion this Lenten season!

The Fusion, which fuses faith and family, is an opportunity for children, youth, and their families (and other adults who want to join the fun!) to explore the church-wide Lenten Bible Study of The Walk by Adam Hamilton through interactive, hands-on lessons, activities, and experiences focusing on 5 essential practices: worship, listening, kindness and service, generosity, and witness.

So, grab a cup of coffee (snacks will be provided!), and head to the Allred Center on Sundays from 10:00 to 10:45 each Sunday during Lent for some fun!

Questions? Call the church office or contact Kim Myers ( or JJ Gibbs (


Winter Jam ‘24 Youth Outing


Lenten Bible Study Sign-Up